The Ant-Lords’ Sermon to Their Deaf Drones

I trust that you are ever expanding your waves of consciousness in the mental galaxies; exploring the cavernous depths of the human condition; floating through the mist of metaphysical mysteries; for what are we but what we perceive, and what do we perceive but what we choose to see, and all the world and its little men see but through their separate colored lenses, and reality appears thus to their vision, and they climb upon their royal pedestals and proclaim to the deaf, swarming crowds, “Hear of my revelation! I have seen reality through the tinted lens of my opinion, confined in the box of my limited experience; I have tasted the truth, and it was but bittersweet; the bitterness of our human frailties tempered by the sweet flavor of our grand ego, convincing us to remain stooped in the bliss of our condition of inflated pride as invalid controllers of all we see, subduing the weak into our service, ant-lords of piles of sand, within which we hide from the sun of truth, loudly proclaiming our sermons to you busy deaf drones.”

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