The Fingers’ Handbook to New Joke City

The Fingers’ Handbook to New Joke City

(a novel joke of epic proportions…New Joke Time’s #1 best cellar)

Chapter One

To the Point

Once upon a time there was a society of finger people, their faces drawn with magic markers, who all lived together in a large city called New Joke. They travelled everywhere by bus and because there was a bus stop every few feet, they called each of these stops a foot. One day, right as our joke’s heroes, the Ten Fingers, got off the bus on their way to work, the Punch Line got on. The bus immediately drove away. Upset that they had missed the Punch Line and still wanting to give the readers their money’s worth, they divided into two groups and made two more Punch Lines by curling into fists. But however hard they tried to make this funny, they all felt that these just weren’t satisfactory Punch Lines, and so they decided to try and find the original one. Hour after hour they chased the Punch Line sure they were just a few feet away, yet no matter how far they went, they still couldn’t catch up. Finally, completely exhausted, they called it a day and decided to go together for a few drinks. They got on a bus to get to the Point, the city’s most popular solution for depressed Fingers, after the Mar’s Bar. There they got so tipsy and lost in argument over what had gone wrong, that they didn’t even notice the Punch Line walk into the bar and sit down next to them; they finally agreed that they had simply gotten off at the wrong foot.

–a Prem-Ras production.

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