Heroes of the Present

I will not dig up the carcasses of dead days buried, nor excavate the holes for days to come. Let the dead past bury its dead, and let the future generations care for their own time. Leave me with the eternal present that I may revel in the bliss of every new moment. I will … More Heroes of the Present

Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow

It’s like you’re
standing on the edge of tomorrow
for the right moment to be alive
I tell you
there’s nothing in this world so precious
as the
moment that’s passing by

turn alive!
stop stalling and put your gear in drive
there’s no guarantee
you’ll live to see
the future’s a question
but right now is your time
More Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow

A Diamond Moment

One moment can mean more than a life,
if you learn to live and you learn how to die.
We pass through time like we are sand in a sieve;
falling through the holes; never again seen.
But our moments of truth, they stick in the web,
and they are put in our textbooks, and spoken and read. … More A Diamond Moment