Our Moments of Truth

One moment can mean more than a life,
if you learn to live and you learn how to die.
We pass through time like we are sand in a sieve;
falling through the holes; never again seen.
But our moments of truth, they stick in the web,
and they are put in our textbooks, and spoken and read.
More Our Moments of Truth

A Diamond Moment

One moment can mean more than a life,
if you learn to live and you learn how to die.
We pass through time like we are sand in a sieve;
falling through the holes; never again seen.
But our moments of truth, they stick in the web,
and they are put in our textbooks, and spoken and read. … More A Diamond Moment

The Dead Bricks of Living Sound

We are the dead bricks of living sound. Cadaver soldiers marching left right to the dictate of spirit voice on high. Hands, feet, head to toe, all dead flesh, activated by an intangible untouchable presence—a conscious command. We are scavengers, animated sound, consciousness walking, collecting bits of scattered brick, searching out, reaching out, into darkness, … More The Dead Bricks of Living Sound