Our Moments of Truth

One moment can mean more than a life,
if you learn to live and you learn how to die.
We pass through time like we are sand in a sieve;
falling through the holes; never again seen.
But our moments of truth, they stick in the web,
and they are put in our textbooks, and spoken and read.
More Our Moments of Truth

A Diamond Moment

One moment can mean more than a life,
if you learn to live and you learn how to die.
We pass through time like we are sand in a sieve;
falling through the holes; never again seen.
But our moments of truth, they stick in the web,
and they are put in our textbooks, and spoken and read. … More A Diamond Moment

The Question of Time

the ocean rises and falls like the breath of time
as I stare at its teeth it poses a question
its unfathomable depths beyond feeble thought
length and breadth far greater then my perception

massive clouds float above like the mind of time
gracefully moving with a sage’s presence
lightning flashes like sparks of their genius
between sky and earth collecting nature’s essence…
More The Question of Time